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Be one of the first to enjoy the benefits of mobile wallets

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Smart shopping with mobile wallets

Be one of the first to enjoy the benefits of mobile wallets

Smart shopping with mobile wallets

  • Forgotten your cards? No problem
  • Store your credit cards in your phone
  • Use mobile wallets for greater convenience

Smart shopping with mobile wallets

When it comes to paying for something, it can be frustrating when a retailer is offering a discount on a credit card you left at home, or if the card chip or magnetic strip suddenly stops working.

The mobile wallet is the best way to overcome these problems. With a mobile wallet, all your credit cards are stored in one location: your smartphone. So you will never have to miss out on a deal again.

Surprisingly, only eight percent of Hong Kongers find the idea of a mobile wallet appealing — much lower than the global average of 22 percent1.

But, like most great ideas, once you start using it you will wonder how you managed without.

According to comparison website Money Hero, some of the most popular e-wallets in Hong Kong are Octopus O! ePay, Apple Pay, Tap & Go and TNG Wallet.

Whichever you choose, the mobile wallet is all about convenience. It allows you to add up to eight cards for Apple Pay, unlimited cards for Android Pay, or up to 10 cards for Samsung Pay. Wherever you are, there’s no need to worry about coins or currency.

When all you need is your phone, it makes paying for everything easier — from utilities to shopping.

Whether you want to use a card that earns you miles, reward points or gives discounts and cashback on your purchases, using a mobile wallet ensures you have all these cards with you on your mobile phone. It’s easy and convenient.

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Mobile wallet
