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Priority Banking offers holistic wealth solutions – complexity made simple

New clients can earn up to HKD32,000 cash rebate by signing up for Priority Banking
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Priority Banking Upgrade Rewards

Enjoy HKD1,500 cash rebate or 15,000 Asia Miles for depositing the first HKD500,000 New Funds

Sign up for Priority Banking to enjoy exclusive welcome rewards.

New Clients¹ Welcome Offer

Existing Clients5 Upgrade Offer

Welcome offer2

  • HKD3,500 cash rebate or 35,000 Asia Miles for depositing the first HKD1,000,000 new funds
  • HKD5,000 cash rebate or 50,000 Asia Miles for depositing the first HKD1,500,000 new funds
  • HKD7,000 cash rebate or 70,000 Asia Miles for depositing the first HKD2,000,000 new funds
  • HKD3,000 Cash Rebate or 30,000 Asia Miles for depositing every subsequent HKD1,000,000 new funds started from HKD2,000,000, total up to HKD 22,000 or 220,000 Asia Miles
  • New Clients sign up for Priority Banking via SC Mobile App to enjoy extra HKD500 cash rebate4
  • First 2-quarter maintenance fee waiver7

Wealth Management Product Reward

  • HKD500 cash rebate for an accumulated transaction and/or subscription amount of HKD200,000
  • HKD1,000 cash rebate for an accumulated transaction and/or subscription amount of HKD500,000
  • HKD1,000 cash rebate for every subsequent HKD500,000 transaction started from HKD1,000,000, total up to HKD10,000

Investment fund and foreign exchange offer

  • Join the FX membership program to enjoy exclusive rates and up to HKD18,888 cash rewards
  • Exchange now
  • 0% online investment fund subscription fee
  • Trade now

Marathon Savings Account (“MSA”)

  • Up to 4% p.a. savings rate
  • HKD and USD are available for selection

Welcome offer6

Online Upgrade Reward

HKD500 cash rebate or 5,000 Asia Miles for upgrading to Priority Banking online

Marathon Savings Account (“MSA”)

  • Up to 4% p.a. savings rate
  • HKD and USD are available for selection

Sign Up Now

All clients

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Exclusive Offers


1.“New Clients” refer to those who are NOT holding any banking products or services with or distributed by the Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (the “Bank”) (including but not limited to deposit account (in the case of joint account, unless the new client is a primary account holder to the joint account, he/she will not be considered having held any product or service with or distribution by the Bank), investment service and insurance products underwritten by the third-party insurer) in past 12 months from the date of signing up for Priority Banking except Standard Chartered Credit Cards.

2. Welcome offer consists of the New Funds Growth Offer and Wealth Management Product Reward. New Clients sign up for Priority Banking may enjoy New Funds Growth Offer of up to HKD22,000 cash rebate or 220,000 Asia Miles by depositing at least HKD7,000,000 new funds and fulfil all requirements. In addition, by completing designated investment transactions, New Clients may enjoy Wealth Management Product Reward of up to HKD10,000 cash rebate. For details, please refer to the respective terms and conditions.

3.Eligible clients who choose Asia Miles as the rewards for New Funds Growth Offer must register on the designated webpage at from 1 January 2025 to 30 April 2025. Relevant Asia Miles will be credited directly to the eligible client’s Cathay membership account.

4.The Mobile Sign-up Reward is only applicable to new clients who did not hold any deposit account, including Savings Account, Current / Cheque Account, Integrated Deposits Account and Time Deposit Account (in the case of joint account, unless the new client is a primary account holder to the joint account, he/she will not be considered having held any product or service with or distribution by the Bank), with The Bank in the past 12 months from the date of the current submission of an application for an Integrated Deposit Account via SC Mobile.

5. “Existing Client” refers to a client who, as of the last day of two months prior to the date of the current sign up for Priority Private/Priority Banking, (i) held any products or services with or distributed by the Bank (including but not limited to deposit account (in the case of joint account, unless the existing client is a primary account holder to the joint account, he/she will not be considered having held any product or service with or distribution by the Bank), investment services and insurance products underwritten by the third party insurer) except Standard Chartered Credit Cards, and (ii) maintained a positive Total Balance.

6. Welcome offer consists of the New Funds Growth Offer. Existing Clients upgrade to Priority Banking may enjoy New Funds Growth Offer of up to HKD10,500 cash rebate or 105,000 Asia Miles by depositing at least HKD5,000,000 new funds and fulfil all requirements. Offer is only applicable to those who have not been Priority Private or Priority Banking clients in the past 12 months.

7. New Clients can enjoy first 2-quarter maintenance fee waiver. Existing Clients can enjoy first 4-quarter maintenance fee waiver. After the expiration of maintenance fee waiver offer, if the average daily Relationship Balance of the client within the quarter falls below HKD1,000,000, a maintenance fee of HKD900 will be charged for the quarter.

8. “New Cardholders” are applicants who do not currently hold and have not cancelled any principal card of Standard Chartered Credit Card or MANHATTAN Credit Card issued by the Bank in the past 6 months from the date of approval of their current applications for a principal card of the Standard Chartered Credit Cards.

Important Notes

Important Notes for Investment Fund Service:

  • Investment Fund is an investment product and some Investment Funds would involve derivatives. The investment decision is yours, but you should not invest in Investment Fund unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives.

Important Notes for Life Insurance:

  • The life assurance plans are life insurance products and are not bank deposit. They are underwritten by Prudential Hong Kong Limited (a member of Prudential plc group) (“Prudential”). Some of these plans may have a savings element and are not an alternative to ordinary savings or time deposits. Part of the premium pays for the insurance and related costs.
  • If you are not happy with your policy, you have a right to cancel it within the cooling-off period and obtain a refund of any premiums paid, less any withdrawals (if applicable), provided that no claim has been made under the policy. A written notice signed by you should be received directly by Prudential at 8/F, Prudential Tower, The Gateway Harbour City, 21 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong within the cooling-off period (that is, within 21 days after the delivery of the policy or issue of a notice (informing you or your representative about the availability of the policy and expiry date of the cooling-off period), whichever is the earlier). After the expiration of the cooling-off period, if you cancel the policy before the end of the term, the projected total cash value (if applicable) may be less than the total premium you have paid. You should check with Prudential if you have any doubt regarding your cooling-off right.
  • The Bank is an insurance agent of Prudential.
  • As the issuer of the life assurance plans, Prudential will be responsible for all protection and claims issues. Prudential is not an associate or subsidiary company of the Bank. This leaflet is not a contract of insurance and is intended to be a general summary for reference purpose only. Please refer to the policy for full terms and conditions. The Bank does not accept any responsibilities regarding any statements provided by Prudential or any discrepancies or omissions in the contract of insurance nor shall the Bank be held liable in any manner whatsoever in relation to your contract of insurance.
  • This leaflet is intended to be distributed in Hong Kong only and shall not be construed as an offer to sell or solicitation to buy or provision of any insurance product outside Hong Kong. Prudential and the Bank do not offer or sell any insurance product in any jurisdictions outside Hong Kong in which such offering or sale of the insurance product is illegal under the laws of such jurisdictions. This leaflet does not constitute a contract of insurance or an offer, invitations or recommendation to any person to enter into any contract of insurance or any transaction described therein or any similar transaction.
  • Whether to apply for insurance coverage is your own individual decision. During the sales process, this leaflet should be read in conjunction with the relevant product brochure. For full terms and conditions, and risk disclosures of the relevant insurance plan, please refer to the relevant product brochure and policy document and read carefully.
  • In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between the Bank and the client out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, the Bank will enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the client; however, any dispute over the contractual terms of the product should be resolved directly between Prudential and the client.

Important Notes for Structured Notes:

  • Structured Notes are structured products involving derivat­ives. Investment Fund is an investment product and some Investment Funds would involve derivati­ves. The investment decisi­on is yours, but you should not invest in that investment product unless the intermedi­ary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you having regard to your financ­ial situati­on, investment experience and investment object­ives.

Important Notes for Personalised Investment Ideas (PII):

  • The investment ideas generated through our PII platform have taken into consideration your current risk profile and cash balances with the Bank or as otherwise specif­ied by you to your Relationshi­p Manager as well as your investment funds, bonds, equit­es, structured investment and structured products holdings that you have held with the Bank. Your investment concentration, holdings in insurance, any outstanding balance in WealthPro or other loans with the Bank, and any other investment holdings, assets/liabilities outside the Bank are, however, not taken into account in the PII platform. For details and related terms and condit­ions for PII, please visi­t

Risk Disclosure

Risk Disclosure Statements:

  • Investment involves risks. The prices of investment products fluctuate, sometimes dramatically and the worst case may result in loss of your entire investment amount. Past performance is no guide to its future performance.
  • Investors should read the terms and condit­ions contained in the relevant offering documents and in particular the investment polici­es and the risk factors and latest financi­al results informati­on carefully and are advised to seek independent professional advice before making any investment decis­ion.
  • Investors should consider their own investment object­ives, investment experience, financi­al situati­on and risk tolerance level.

Risk Disclosure Statement for Investment Fund Services:

  • Investment involves risks. The prices of units/shares of unit trusts or mutual funds fluctuate, sometimes dramatically and the worst case may result in loss of your entire investment amount. It is as likely that losses will be incurred rather than profit made as a result of buying and selling unit trusts or mutual funds. Past performance of any Investment Fund is no guide to its future performance.
  • Investors should carefully read the relevant offering documents and in particular the Terms & Conditions contained therein, the investment policies and the risk factors and latest financial results information. It is desirable that the Investor seeks independent financial advice with respect to any investment decision.
  • Investors should ensure they fully understand the risks associated with unit trusts or mutual funds and should also consider their own investment objective, investment experience, financial situation and risk tolerance level before making any investment decision.


  • This webpage does not constitute any prediction of likely future price movements.
  • Investors should not make investment decisions based on this webpage alone.
  • This webpage has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission or any regulatory authority in Hong Kong.

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